It's been a while...but I am still mini-ing (is that a word?). I've been working on super small things, i.e., this afghan. My hand starts to cramp, so I stop. But, we sacrifice for the things we really want. I really wanted something that I made in at least one of my houses.
I'm also working on a smaller rectangular blanket. It will be all white. Something that I can throw over the back of a sofa or settee.
Wish me luck with getting this completed before the end of 2015.
Oh, Happy New Year.
"...but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD." (Joshua 24:15, ESV)
This blog is about my miniature life! Follow me as I build, decorate, and enjoy miniature real estate! (I'll also share some of my miniature finds that delight my heart!)