This blog is about my miniature life! Follow me as I build, decorate, and enjoy miniature real estate! (I'll also share some of my miniature finds that delight my heart!)

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

 This house was custom built.  I don't have a year, but it looks as if it may have been in the 80's.  I love the garage on the house.  The door stays up when you push it open.  It was already wired for electricity.  I plan to paint it all white with black shutters/door.  As a matter of fact, the entire house will be in black and white. 
I've primed and painted the house with the first coat of white paint.  I've also knocked out some of the interior walls and cut a door to the garage.  I realized the house didn't have stairs.  I'm wondering, how did the little people get to the second floor?  Guess I'll have to repair that by adding some custom stairs.

Of course this blog doesn't stay focused on one project because I just can't seem to focus on just one.  Forgive me for not being well organized-perhaps it's my adult ADD kicking in.  :0)  Plus, in mini world, there's always so much to do. 

Since this house doesn't have the typical 9 1/2" floor to ceiling height, I am going to have to send the measurements to my mini friend to custom-make the stairs.  12" ceilings are pretty high.  At least all of the doors are the perfect 1" scale size. 

I'm excited about this house.  Off to measure I go.  :-) 

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